Architect, Appraiser, Project and Implementation Auditor, Bilirc-5b-cc3355d_Bilirckf3583194B Serhat KÜÇÜKERDAL, Kocaeli Anatolian High School Afterwards, he studied at Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture (1996-2001 ).
Abstract, Following his graduation at the beginning of 2001, he started his career as a foundation in the field of Architectural Management, by Learning to Ground and Manage the Buildings He designed in Paper Media Gained a High Experience of Developing and Managing a Construction Strategy with Dizayn Office Duties. In this process, which he defined as 'playing musical notes' , he learned the priority and passivity among the factors of cost, quality, time, which are the pillars of the project management_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and he adopted the principle of being cautious.
He founded his company to provide Real Estate Investment Projects Management Services in Izmit, where he returned at the beginning of 2009, and 'Written Notes', by climbing to a height where he could look at the investment from a holistic perspective in the sector he provides end-to-end service .
AFK Sistema Gals Holding Merkez Ofisi İnşaatı, 2005 | Moskova Rusya
Moscow City AFI MALL AVM Kompleksi İnşaatı, 2007 | Moskova Rusya